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Testo Sensor Shop: Expert knowledge for temperature measurement technology

Welcome to our comprehensive glossary of temperature measurement technology! At Testo Sensor GmbH you will find high-quality temperature probes, thermocouples and transmitters, as well as the knowledge to use them optimally.

Our glossary is designed to help you better understand the most important terms and concepts of temperature measurement. Whether you are an experienced professional or a newcomer to the field, this reference guide will provide you with valuable insights and clear explanations of the different methods, sensors and technologies used in temperature measurement.

Discover the world of temperature measurement and deepen your knowledge with our carefully compiled glossary. If you have any questions or need further information, our team of experts will feel free to help you at any time.


  • Definition
    • Measure of the heat of an object, based on the kinetic energy of its particles.
  • Scales
    • Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F) and Kelvin (K).
  • Conversion
    • °C to °F: °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32
    • °F to °C: °C = (°F - 32) × 5/9
    • °C to K: K = °C + 273,15
    • K to °C: °C = K - 273,15

What is a temperature probe?

  • Definition
    • A temperature probe is an electronic component that measures the temperature and transmits it as an electrical signal to the display, the control unit or the heating system. Learn more
  • Types of temperature probes
    • Temperature probes are as different as the applications in which they are used. For this reason, there are many different types. On the one hand, the type differs according to the type of measurement: temperature probes with a handle are used for insertion or random sample measurements. If, on the other hand, the temperature probe is to be permanently inserted into the process, screw-in probes or immersion probes with cable, connector or measuring head are often used. The materials used, such as the cables, may determine the temperature ranges in which the probe can be installed. Learn more
  • Functionality
    • The functionality of temperature probes depends primarily on the temperature sensors installed. They determine the way in which the physical measured variable temperature is converted into a signal. A basic distinction can be made between resistance-based temperature probes and thermocouples. Learn more
  • Temperature sensors
    • Temperature sensors are installed in temperature probes, for example, and are often used to measure the temperature of air, objects, materials or liquids. They are used in a wide range of applications, such as for monitoring the temperature of processes, ambient conditions or electronic devices. Learn more

What is a thermocouple?

  • Definition
    • Thermocouples are thermoelectric sensors with two wires made of different materials. These are connected to each other at one point (measuring point) and a thermoelectric voltage can be measured at their ends (reference junction), which also changes when the temperature changes. This thermoelectric effect is also known as the Seebeck effect. Learn more
  • Types of thermocouples
    • Thermocouples differ in the different alloys from which the thermocouple wires are made. Different characteristic curves and measuring ranges can be mapped based on these materials. Learn more
  • Functionality
    • A thermocouple consists of two wires made of different materials. This is very important because the different materials also behave differently, resulting in a measurable thermoelectric voltage when the two wires are connected at one end. This thermoelectric voltage changes when the temperature changes. This effect is named after its discoverer - the Seebeck effect. Learn more

What is a transmitter?

  • Definition
    • They are also known as transducers, signal converters or simply converters. They are used to convert physical measured variables such as temperature, humidity, differential pressure, etc. into standardized electrical signals. Learn more
  • Types of temperature transmitters
    • We offer head transmitters, Hat rail transmitters, transmitters with connection head and transmitters with housing. Learn more
  • Functionality
    • A transmitter is a signal converter. The transmitter amplifies the signal from the temperature sensor, which may be weak, and converts it into a standardized analogue signal at the same time. By amplifying the signal, it is possible to transmit it with a high degree of accuracy, even over long distances and under difficult conditions. At the same time, the converted standard signals can be easily processed further in measurement technology. Learn more

Response time temperature probe

  • The response time tx is the time a temperature probe needs to react to a change in the external applied temperature and reach a certain percentage value x of this temperature. Learn more

Temperature probe calibration

  • Calibrating temperature probes is crucial for the accuracy and reliability of your measurements. It ensures that your temperature probes provide correct readings, which is particularly important in safety-critical and standardized processes. Learn more

Factory certificate - Testo Sensor GmbH

  • In simple terms, a factory certificate is the manufacturer's confirmation that the product ordered by the customer from the manufacturer has been tested by the manufacturer and corresponds exactly to what the customer has ordered. Learn more

Surface temperature measurement

  • Surface temperature measurement refers to the measurement of the temperature on the outer surface of an object or material. The measurement can be carried out using different temperature measurement techniques, e.g. contact measurements using PT sensors and thermocouples or non-contact measurements using infrared thermometers. Learn more